What Is Inspiration?
Inspiration affects everyone. It's not reserved for an elite class or a particular form of creative endeavor. It is universally experienced but privately defined.
The difference between persistent hard work and the lighter spark of creative fire that allows an idea to take flight is deeply elusive. These rare moments of internal creative combustion are what we informally refer to as inspiration. But what actually separates inspiration from any regular, mundane moment of our lives? What is actually happening behind the scenes?
As noted in the paragraph above, the scientific and historical definitions of inspiration refer to the process of breathing in or inhaling. But in the more colloquial, albeit amorphous definition, inspiration is defined as "breathing in or infusion of some idea, purpose, etc. into the mind; the suggestion, awakening, or creation of some feeling or impulse, especially of an exalted kind."
Well, that feels a bit overwhelming and, in all honesty, poorly connected to the emotions evoked during moments of inspiration. To really understand inspiration, we have to move beyond such a simple structure. A definition that illuminates the delicate phenomenon of inspiration. One that captures the insurgent descent into madness or brilliance. One that extracts the intense sensations that course through our veins, sending goosebumps down our spine as we're struck by the all-too-elusive spark of inspiration.
Inspiration is not solely determined by serendipity or hard work. Inspiration is the delicate mix of these ingredients, only extracted following creative ventures. It passes through you, surfacing our most exciting and meaningful moments. Inspiration pushes us to make great leaps of faith. To be brave in the face of adversity. To embrace ambiguity and power ahead.
Inspiration is persuasive and fleeting. When it leaves us, we desperately try to find it. To receive its energy, we must be present and mindful. To capture it, we must firmly understand the process and phases of inspiration. What we choose to do with it is up to us.